We support you in your surrogacy.

You are encouraged to contact us to have an open conversation.

There Are Two Types of Surrogacy

As a prospective Surrogate, you need to be aware of the pros and cons of each type of surrogacy so you make an informed decision.

Gestational surrogacy involves the implantation of a genetically unrelated embryo to the uterus of the surrogate. The embryo could be the result of IVF using the Intended Mother’s egg and the Intended Father’s sperm or donor eggs could be involved. The main positive of gestational surrogacy is that the Surrogate Mother is completely unrelated to the child.

A Traditional Surrogate allows herself to be inseminated with the Intended Father’s and/or donor sperm with the intention of giving the child to the Intended Parent(s) once it is born. This can take place at home or in a clinic environment. The child(ren) that are born as a result of traditional surrogacy will be genetically related to the Traditional Surrogate.

Although traditional surrogacy does exist in this Canada, it is a process that few take part in because there are a limited number of fertility clinics who will inseminate a woman knowing that she intends to give up the child and even fewer lawyers would choose to act on behalf of either party given the unreliable result.

Traditional surrogacy has become a somewhat of self-help remedy and rarely involves a medical facility. With or without a surrogacy agreement, it is impossible to adequately safeguard the rights of the Intended Parents. While the lower costs associated with traditional surrogacy may make it seem like an attractive option to some, it does carry tremendous legal and emotional risk to those who take part in the process.


The Gestational Surrogacy Process

The process of becoming a Gestational Surrogate with Proud Fertility begins with our Surrogacy Interest Form. Complete the form and you will be contacted by one of our staff. The form does not commit you to anything, it only gives Proud Fertility the information needed to preliminarily screen you for surrogacy. It helps us answer your questions based on your health and history.

You will be guided through writing a profile that can be shared with Intended Parents. You’ll share your story and about why you want to become a Surrogate Mother.

You can expect to undergo screening which will include psychosocial and physical examinations including screening for STDs, pelvic examination, and possibly ultrasounds.

Once you’ve been through screening, you’ll be given a protocol from the fertility clinic. This will include your doctor’s orders and any medications you will need to take to achieve pregnancy through IVF. Fertility medications may include hormones and antibiotics by injection, pill, suppository, or patch.

Once your body is prepared for your embryo transfer you will visit the fertility clinic again to have the embryo implanted into your uterus. This is done through the vagina and most Surrogates describe it as mildly uncomfortable. Then it’s a waiting game. Hopefully, you become pregnant and 9 months later you will give birth to a baby for deserving Intended Parents.

We Support You

At this time, only Gestational Surrogacy is supported at Proud Fertility. You are encouraged to make contact with us to have an open conversation about your options.

Begin The Process of Becoming a Surrogate

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