Memorial University, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Proud Fertility’s Managing Director Nathan Chan was in Newfoundland sharing the Proud Fertility love and educating fellow Canadians on infertility and surrogacy in June of 2017.

On June 1, Nathan spoke to nursing students at Memorial University in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, to raise awareness and discuss the issues and stigma surrounding surrogacy and infertility. A Newfoundland four-time surrogate mother was present as Nathan’s co-speaker. She attended with Nathan to share her personal experiences with the students and educate others on the realities of gestational surrogacy.


Nathan shared his passion with the students and allowed them to ask any questions they had about infertility and surrogacy in Canada.

Book a Speaker

Proud Fertility’s Managing Director Nathan Chan is available for speaking engagements around the globe. To get more information about his travel schedule and how you can book him to speak to your group, please contact us.

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