Are you thinking of becoming a surrogate or gestational carrier for deserving intended parents? It takes a special person to be willing to make such an incredible sacrifice for someone else.

While technically it is possible to be a surrogate if you have not given birth to children of your own, it is unlikely that your Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE) will allow it or that Intended Parents will feel comfortable working with you, if you have not given birth to your own children.

It is important to everyone involved that a potential surrogate has previously given birth and is a parent. Intended Parents want to know that the person they are choosing can get pregnant, carry a child, and give birth safely. You will feel more comfortable throughout your experience if you are confident in your ability to become pregnant, carry a baby, and give birth easily.

Most Reproductive Endocrinologists will not work with a surrogate who has never given birth before. It is preferred that a potential surrogate has:

  • Previously experienced a full term pregnancy.
  • Given birth to a child that they are raising.
  • Has experienced uncomplicated pregnancies and deliveries.

Intended Parents are reassured by potential surrogates that have shown they can have healthy pregnancies and births. To the Intended Parents, it means the surrogate is more likely to successfully become parents by working with the surrogate. You wouldn’t want to get into a taxi cab with a driver who has never operated a motor vehicle before, right?

Experienced mothers make ideal surrogates because they understand what a gift each child is. They may have experience with infertility themselves or know the strong desire to have a child and the joy of finally becoming a parent. Surrogates that have their own children truly comprehend the immense gift they are giving through surrogacy.

While prior cesarean births, premature deliveries, and some complications do not rule out your ability to become a surrogate, you should speak with a surrogacy consultant to discuss your perinatal history. Together you will review your past pregnancy experiences and establish whether or not surrogacy may be right for you.

For those who have not yet had children of their own but would like to help build families, egg donation may also be a suitable option. We welcome you to contact us with your questions!

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