It’s a tough subject to bring up. You’ve been trying to have a child for a while now, but nothing is happening. Whether it’s a result of male infertility, sperm quality, or being sterile, men can also struggle with feelings of inadequacy for not being able to conceive. We want to let you know that you are not the only one going through this. While we usually work with women and queer men on fertility issues, we’re won’t forget about you. The first thing that any intended parent should do is get a sperm test. That way, if there are any issues, you can start working on them before you head to a clinic.
We have come up with five helpful ways that may be able to help increase your sperm quality, but we always advise you to consult your doctor or healthcare professional.
Healthy Habits
Have you tried cutting down on alcohol, smoking, or tossing out your tight underwear? These could be some quick way to help increase your sperm quality. Other possibilities can be related to certain types of medications (Finasteride is one example), steroids, or chemicals you have come into contact with. If nothing changes, best to consult your doctor and ask them to run a sperm test. There is also the possibility that an S.T.I. could be preventing insemination.
Low Testosterone
Sometimes a man’s testosterone is below the normal levels. It can affect fertility by causing reduced sperm production and indirectly affect fertility by reducing sex drive. Doctors recommend starting a nutrition diet, avoiding saunas and hot tubs as well as keeping your laptop off your lap.

Some studies have suggested supplements such as Vitamin C and D as well as Zinc and Ashwagandha have helped men with infertility issues. It is recommended that before you start any type of medication, including over the counter herbs and supplements, you seek proper medical advice.
One of our intended parents at Proud Fertility decided to try a body cleanse to get more fit and healthy and had great success. Other natural pathways have been attempts with acupuncture in which several of our Proud Fertility surrogates swear by. Even though this has been targeted for women who are pregnant, men may get the same benefit of acupuncture by reducing stress and improving their immune system.
HIV-positive men
If you are HIV positive, you may be under the impression that you cannot use your sperm when trying to conceive. Are you familiar with “Sperm Washing”? This is the process in which sperm is separated from your semen. It can improve the chances of a successful pregnancy at the same time reducing the risk of HIV transmission.
You’re not the only one.
Infertility is more widespread than we like to think. About one in 20 men have low sperm count and one in 100 have no sperm at all. This is nothing to be ashamed of and there are many options available to you nowadays. Whether gay or straight, many single men, like myself, have always dreamed of having a baby. If you still desire to be a parent, whether single or in a couple, know this dream can still be a reality.
Have you been considering carrying a child for someone who can't?
Complete a Surrogacy Interest Form and our team will walk you through the process of becoming a Gestational Surrogate.