We recently chatted with a couple of our Gestational Surrogates about their experiences with surrogacy as single parents.


Kara and Jade are both single mothers to their children. These superwomen somehow juggle parenthood (mainly solo), providing for their families, and giving others the gift of parenthood. Both Kara and Jade were lucky enough to conceive their children naturally and love being moms. They can’t imagine the difficulty their Intended Parents have faced on their journeys through infertility and surrogacy.


Surrogate Mothers who are unmarried or single parenting have a unique view of surrogacy. They know that while single parenting is hard, it is also beautiful and that children can thrive in a variety of family situations. Surrogate that are not married often choose to become Surrogates for other single parents.



Many of the Intended Parents we work with have chosen to become parents on their own. They haven’t found the right partner or are not interested in finding a partner but are ready to have a family and become a parent.

Every surrogacy journey has its own difficulties.


The hardest part about being a Surrogate as a single parent will be ensuring you have enough support. This is always a challenge for single parents. Surrogacy requires many appointments such as a physical screening, psychosocial screening, fertility treatments, embryo transfer, and the many doctor’s visits associated with any pregnancy. As a single parent and a Surrogate, you will need to have childcare in place for these appointments.


Surrogacy is emotionally charged.


Not only are there many feelings associated with being a Surrogate Mother, the hormones used in fertility treatments and the hormones of pregnancy can increase the need for emotional support. You will need people to talk to and share your journey with.


As your pregnancy progresses you may need physical support, as well. Early pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue and morning sickness can make it hard to accomplish your day to day tasks and care for your children. Later pregnancy also makes it difficult to go about your daily routines as fatigue, strain, and generally feeling unwell can strike at any time.


Before becoming a Surrogate as a single parent, ensure you have a solid support system. Just like we support Intended Parents regardless of their marital status, we also work with Surrogates regardless of their marital status. We will be a piece of the support system you need and you will have the opportunity to meet other Surrogate Mothers and make friends who understand what you are experiencing. You will also have access to professional emotional support if you need it. We are here to make your entire surrogacy journey simple.


If you’re a single parent and would like to become a Surrogate please visit Become a Surrogate. We’d love to discuss surrogacy in Canada with you!

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