Now that I’ve decided I’m going to be a surrogate, who am I going to be a surrogate for?! I don’t really have a preference for a couple …..heterosexual, gay, single, married, culture, religion! Most important, the child must be well cared for and loved.  Other things to consider… do they have support from friends and/or family, financial means to provide for a child, age, health, etc…. so many things to think about!


After some research, I discovered there are a lot of Intended Parents seeking out surrogates so I applied with a surrogacy agency. I started receiving different profiles! Where did I start? I just picked one up and started reading, then for various reasons I made different piles of Intended Parents that didn’t connect with me and ones with possibilities! (This was with another agency years ago.)


Pin it! Surrogate X Chronicles_ Why I Chose to Help a Gay Couple _ Proud Fertility Surrogacy and Egg Donation in Canada


There are so many different reasons for infertility or reasons these different people wanted children! For whatever reason, I had decided I would start with families that didn’t already have children. I came across a profile of two men.  At first, I wasn’t sure but something about their personality and life interested me! I read many more profiles but always came back to this one! These guys were special!


They didnt succeed in adoption


My thought process was, two men really cannot have a child on their own. They really need my help to make this family happen for them! They were married, had great family support, good jobs, and overall fabulous people! They had been passed up many times for adoption and with surrogacy, they could have a biological child! I couldn’t go wrong. I told the agency I wanted to help them and they decided as long as the screening was approved, that they would happily have me as their surrogate mother.


Looking back I made a great choice in choosing them and this is a large part of why I’m considering doing another surrogacy journey! Maybe I will choose another same-sex couple again or maybe I won’t but overall a good match is really what every surrogate is seeking!


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