What are the things you should bring to the birth of the most precious gift you’re about to give? Here’s our top recommendations for your hospital bag as a surrogate :

Birth Plan

Your body, your birth.  You may be generously allowing the use of your uterus to house and grow a beautiful little embryo, but your consent and voice matter when it comes to some big decisions in the birthing process.  Take the time to discuss all appropriate options and risks with your prenatal care provider or maybe even a birth doula and consider your choices, so that when the time comes, you can provide informed consent for any decisions made or medical interventions suggested.

Comfortable Clothing

Whether a dressing gown, pj pants, an old t-shirt or extra socks for cold feet, be sure to pack your comfort items for labour and beyond.   Choose items that feel pleasant to wear and provide coverage or easy accessibility dependant upon preference.  Particularly consider looser clothing for the journey home. 


This list includes the usual suspects such as a toothbrush, hairbrush, hair ties, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.  But don’t forget these hidden gems – lip balm, breast pads and padsicles (yes, it’s a thing) can do wonders in your birth bag.  You may also want to include an eye mask or ear plugs if you feel they’ll assist with your sleep and recovery after babe is born. 

Canadian Surrogate Moms love to eat strawberries at birth

Snacks and Drinks

Eating and drinking in labour is normal!  Having healthy small snacks and keeping hydrated, particularly in early labour, can help keep you comfortable while replenishing strength!  Choose healthy items, and complex carbs, over sugary and processed items.  Things such as fruit, crackers, brown rice, granola, eggs and yogurt. 

Security Item

If you and your intended parent(s) agree to use a security item, such as a blanket or stuffed animal, bring it with you to the hospital to help make baby’s transition easier.  Security or transitional items can be used to reduce baby’s stress during the big changes after birth.  Having something that smells like the surrogate can often bring comfort to a little one. 

Pin it _ Packing a Hospital Bag_ Surrogate Edition _ Proud Fertility Egg Donation and Surrogacy in Canada


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