Whether you consider yourself a minimalist or hoarder when it comes to beauty tips, items, habits and preferences, some changes should be taken into consideration when preparing to become a gestational carrier (or in preparation for your own baby). There are known chemicals and products that are not considered safe for you and/or baby during this important time of development. Consider making changes to your beauty routine in favour of safer and healthier alternatives. The baby you are carrying and your Intended Parents will thank you!
Is it safe to dye my hair while I am pregnant with a surro-baby?
According to the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists (OTIS), when looking at the available research, it is considered safe to dye your hair during pregnancy. Although consisting of chemicals (even “natural dyes” contain synthetic chemicals), very little is actually absorbed into the body, and there have been no reports of any effects on pregnancy from the many, many women who chose to dye their hair in the prenatal period. There are some precautions you can take to minimize any potential exposure during the process of dying your hair. Waiting until the second trimester, after baby’s organ development is completed, is one suggestion. Avoiding an all-over colour in favour of other types of processing such as streaks, highlights or frosting can prevent excessive chemicals directly on the scalp where they can be absorbed. Be sure to be in a well-ventilated space when using dye, and if you’re applying it yourself, be sure to use such protective items available, like gloves. Lastly, be sure to completely clean up remaining dye, thoroughly rinse the dye from your hair and scalp, and dispose of any garbage and dye in an appropriate method.
Can I continue to use my prescription acne medication and/or antiaging products during pregnancy?
Accutane and Retin-A are examples of retinoids. Retinoids have been proven to have links to increased risk of birth defects for a developing baby. Doctors do not recommend attempting to become pregnant while using these items. These are also recognizable on labels described as isotretinoin, tazarotene, tretinoin, adapalene, retinoic acid, retinyl palmitate and retinaldehyde. If you have any concerns, please talk to your doctor.
What are tetracyclines and are they safe for surrogates?
Tetracyclines are a group of antibiotics prescribed for a variety of different conditions from acne and malaria to lyme disease and syphilis. However, tetracyclines have also been shown to cause damage to a pregnant woman’s liver and cause teeth discolouration in the developing baby. If you have the need for an antibiotic during pregnancy, please discuss a more appropriate alternative with your prenatal care provider.
How do I avoid toluene during my surrogate pregnancy?
Many nail polishes available on the market contain the chemicals toluene, phthalates, and formaldehyde. This “toxic trio” combines to create a potent mix of chemicals that should be avoided whenever possible, but especially in pregnancy. Toluene, in particular, is thought to be a carcinogen. Avoid any polishes that contain methylbenzene, toluol or antisol on their labels or search out toluene, phthalate and formaldehyde-free nail products for your fingers and toes.
Can I still spray tan during my surrogate pregnancy?
A chemical present in spray tan products, dihydroxyacetone (also known as DHA), interacts with your top layer of skin, to achieve a change in skin colour that is thought to be safer and more convenient than direct suntanning. While DHA doesn’t become absorbed by the body, it is very possible to become inhaled during the spray tan process. With a bun in the oven, the healthier option is to opt for a spray tan after the prenatal period.
Is there no shortage of chemicals that could be hazardous to the baby I am carrying as a surrogate?
While chemicals themselves are not inherently scary (H20 anyone?), being aware of which chemicals could potentially cause harm to the developing baby is a simple preventative measure to support a healthy pregnancy. And beauty products aren’t the only household items to consider – cleaning products, essential oils, scented items, etc could all use a little closer scrutiny during such important stages of development for baby.

Have you been considering carrying a child for someone who can't?
Complete a Surrogacy Interest Form and our team will walk you through the process of becoming a Gestational Surrogate.