My experience with bleeding in pregnancy

There isn’t anything any worse than being in the first trimester of your surrogacy pregnancy while carrying someone else’s baby and discovering blood in your panties.

Last week this was my reality. I was terrified. Terrified that I may be having a miscarriage and even more terrified to have to call my IP’s (intended parents) and explain what was happening.

Being So Far Away

I can’t imagine being on the other side of the world and getting this phone call. The feeling of being helpless would be overwhelming. I mean realistically you can’t always jump on a plane and be at the hospital even though you want to.

I decided to call the managing director of Proud Fertility first to see if he thought I should call my IPs right away or have an answer as to what is happening and then call. It was a tough choice to make and I suppose everyone may have different preferences.

Having The Support I Needed

Nathan and I chatted and he said that as an intended parent himself, he would want to know what is happening right away. He said he would prefer to know so that he could offer his surrogate support and encouragement while she waited at the hospital to get the answers.

I decided to make my call and it wasn’t an easy one to do.  It seemed like it took forever for someone to pick up when it was really just 3 short rings. It was in the middle of the night on their side of the world so they immediately must have known something was wrong. I explained that I was bleeding and that I would be making my way to the hospital to figure out what was happening.

The wait seemed forever by my IP’s kept in contact with me via text and Nathan was also calling to check in and offer support to me in whatever capacity he could provide.

Getting The Ultrasound

Once in the ultrasound room, it was discovered that I was, in fact, carrying a healthy baby and there was no explanation for my bleeding. I was advised to have some bed rest and take it easy for the next few days. I immediately called back my IP’s and explained what was told to me and shared the latest ultrasound images.

I told them my initial fear of calling them because I didn’t want them to feel helpless. They explained to me that I can feel comfortable with reaching out to them anytime and they want to be supportive of all my experiences during the pregnancy. I couldn’t be more thankful.

I was also thankful to Nathan for keeping in close contact with me and trying to be reassuring and keeping me calm.

Since this bleeding episode, I have not had a single issue since and the pregnancy is continuing to progress perfectly.


Surrogate X

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