Surrogacy is often misunderstood and we think giving Surrogates a platform to share their stories and experiences is important. Our hope is that the blog posts will give you a little bit of insight into the world of a Surrogate Mom.
If you have been a Gestational Surrogate in the past or are currently on a surrogacy journey and would like to share some thoughts, feelings or an experience, please send submissions to [email protected].
Postpartum Reflections
The days following giving birth to my surro-baby continued on as normal. There were birthday parties to be had, school, and kids afterschool activities. I was stuck in this after birth limbo- life had to go on, but how could it? I had a sore bottom, huge, tender breasts, and hormones like a roller coaster ride. Was this what I had expected?
Morning Sickness Nightmare
This morning at exactly 8 am on the dot, I awoke to a little boy saying “mommy, mommy, mommy” over and over again until I realized this wasn’t a dream but my toddler trying to get my attention. Another thing caught my attention: my morning sickness. ...
Sex, Wine and Food (A Surrogate’s 11 Week Rant)
Today I’m in my 11th week of pregnancy, only 1 more week of those progesterone shots to go. I’m feeling ultra bitchy today and I think it’s because of my incessant cravings for sex, wine and food. In that order. Here’s the problem. Because I have...
Dear Surrogacy Diary
I'm a doula. That's probably why I'm a good candidate for surrogacy. I love pregnancy, birth, babies, even the postpartum period. It's so raw and beautiful. I also like to think I know a lot about those things, too. I have a...
Bleeding During Surrogate Pregnancy
My experience with bleeding in pregnancy There isn’t anything any worse than being in the first trimester of your surrogacy pregnancy while carrying someone else’s baby and discovering blood in your panties. Last week this was my reality. I was terrified. Terrified...
Respecting Termination Views in Surrogacy
Tough Topic: Termination Views Oh, the tough topics! I find no one ever wants to talk about the things that are hard to think about, it makes it real when you put words to your thoughts and have to explain yourself to other people. You don’t have that luxury...
I Didn’t Give Up a Baby
Let’s talk attachment to the surrobaby The connection between a mother and child is an unbreakable bond. I have children of my own and I know how I felt when I gave birth to them and the joy they brought to my world. That instant love and connection are...
The Support of My Partner (as a Surrogate)
No matter what kind of journey you embark on, support is always important! When deciding to be a surrogate I couldn’t make this decision on my own! If I was single at the time I would have had no issues pushing forward alone as many single surrogates do with strength...
I Taught My Children Love and Generosity
What surrogacy has done for me to help show my kids about love and generosity… People are always quick to point out the negative stories they see about surrogacy on social media or the news. It’s rare that the successful journeys or good...
Why I Chose to be a Surrogate for a Gay Couple
Now that I’ve decided I’m going to be a surrogate, who am I going to be a surrogate for?! I don’t really have a preference for a couple .....heterosexual, gay, single, married, culture, religion! Most important, the child must be well cared for and loved. Other...
Surrogate Etiquette
Surrogate Etiquette Is it a volunteer position? Is it a friendship? Sometimes it’s hard to tell where to draw the line. Truth be told it’s both. Professionalism is important, but so is warmth and connection. What to share with your Intended Parents? ...