by Proud Fertility | May 16, 2018 | Intended Parents
Isn’t a baby bottle just a baby bottle? The short answer is nope! There are many different kinds of bottles on the market, with an assortment of potential accessories available to boot! Whether straight parents, gay parents, intended parents or single parents,...
by Proud Fertility | May 11, 2018 | Intended Parents, Surrogate Mothers
Most people know the amazing miracle that breastfeeding and breastmilk is…. It contains antibodies that defend your baby against infection Breastmilk can soothe diaper rashes, ear and eye infections and plugged eye ducts (common in newborns!) For every year a...
by Proud Fertility | May 9, 2018 | Intended Parents, Surrogate Mothers
Trigger warning: This blog discusses pre-term and neonatal loss and the experience many families face when losing a child. If you are feeling vulnerable at this time, we wish to not cause you any distress during a time when you are regaining strength. ***...
by Proud Fertility | May 7, 2018 | Surrogate Mothers
Belly Casting Belly casting is a fun way of preserving your pregnancy memories. It celebrates the journey of pregnancy and reflects the beautiful changes your body experiences. Casts can be left “raw” (sealed to prevent moisture absorption, but unpainted) or...
by Proud Fertility | May 5, 2018 | Intended Parents
The Why of Bonding With Your Baby Bonding is the creation of an intense attachment between a child and their parents and is essential for babies health and wellbeing. Although studies are still being conducted, science has shown that a child’s bond with...